Apparently a woman is very wrong in my life, how then can explain so many different terms used by women to the same job done by them and men? Is this not so. "Turning upside down"?
MAN: He drinks heavily.
WOMAN: Sometimes a little dale.
MAN: Dating from.
WOMAN: He experiences the adventure.
MAN: Rozwodząc breaks up a family.
WOMAN: Ends relationship without prospects.
MAN: He calls to loved ones.
WOMAN: I deal with everyday stress.
MAN: Yelling.
WOMAN: It stresses your right.
MAN: tortures children.
WOMAN: Sometimes I let go her nerves.
MAN: Ignores family.
WOMAN: This is carried out professionally.
MAN: This is clumsy.
WOMAN: Sometimes confused.
MAN: There is a finite cham.
WOMAN: Sometimes forced to resolve.
MAN: There is a workaholic.
WOMAN: He takes care of independence.
MAN: Leni up.
WOMAN: Regenerate strength.
MAN: He's lying.
WOMAN: Apply diplomacy.
MAN: Pass the money.
WOMAN: He must sometimes buy something for myself.
MAN: When it looks good, is a narcissist.
WOMAN: It's just neat.
It turns out that everything depends on your perspective ... ;)