end of the year usually leads to various summaries and reflections. Because, as some already know, I'm a fan of some of California's ongoing business, I would like to pay tribute to this epoch-making achievements and contributions Apple'aw development of technology, marketing, and hydrocephalus in a fair proportion of the population. This year, as well as all the past since the invention of the wheel by Steve Jobs, no doubt belongs to Apple - the world's leader in the simplification of the world.
Chronologically speaking, the year 2010 only began in the spring, the release
magic. Previously, no one came to mind as a breakthrough cripple your computer and equip it with a phone operating system.

To this day failed to properly qualify IPAD
- it's a little iPhone on steroids, some MacBook after a lobotomy, castration, and not entirely successful proctology. As large as the smartphone, as poorly equipped as a computer, the apple tied to the reserve system - przyprawił to confuse many consumers. Perhaps by numerous shortcomings and limitations IPAD has evolved so much creativity of its users - yet never in the history of any device has not been tampered with such passion for skateboards
or destroyed in such elaborate ways .
This remarkable versatility IPAD
meant that Apple could not keep up with the distributors. When a student has purchased for outside America's entire supply of the local store, was informed that
lifetime limit on purchases used his 
. Before the suicide saved him just that Apple canceled its last contract, giving him a chance to once again, the last purchase in your life. For another napaleńca IPAD has so desired gadget that stole it with his finger previous owner. Generally
iPad has no luck with the fingers
... Without a doubt, IPAD has created a new category of devices - the reader to consume the content purchased panajobsowym shop. And so it is probably because there is no indication that Apple iPad opened to the world. Who would instantly freed from the muzzle hen that lays golden eggs ...
Another epoch-making event was the premiere summer 4 iPhone, which resulted in ajfoniarzy collective ecstasy and holders of other smartphones has made a lot of trouble - Ongoing colic, abdominal pain, ruptured spleen and broken off the sides of it's pleasant. Well, if you laugh? reason for the merriment was obviously deadly przełomowość new iPhone. Re-invented by Apple's multi-tasking support folders or even decimated Windows Mobile users, and revolutionary feature video chat (for a disguise called FaceTime), shocked even the owners of five Nokia. After the release of the iPhone four world was no longer the same ...
Unusual properties of the new iPhone meant that he wished to have 89% of humanity and sell faster than the outdated carp on New Year's Eve in Biedronka sales. Nothing like stirring up such a desire, iPhone 4 virgin, that is issued in the extremely long queue, where fans lined up already
week before the premiere, building a tent village in front of shops. Anyone who has bought this phone on release, he became a local hero, and fanboyowskie forums until cooked up the quarrel and to prove who was the first.
Przełomowość iPhone 4 is not limited to recycling obsolete technologies. The thing that Apple's new gadget brought to the world cultural heritage, was
unique philosophy of using the phone
. So far the user decide how he wants to hold the handset, but unique and innovative antenna design the iPhone has set new trends. And for the fact that the phone loses coverage, Steve zrugał userów.

Apple took a little by the fact that a faulty antenna signal decreases. Then Steve Jobs tried to convince fans that it Pikus, and that all their phones are. And when it turned out that the same is not true, then the charitable impulse he gave the victims Apple iPhone owners, rubber bumpers for the consolation . Bubel in colorful rubber became the hit of the season, and Apple has confirmed its position as industry leader in rubber products. Hardly anyone knows how, as Apple's desire to awaken, advertising version of the phone, which for half a year can not produce. It is of course a white iPhone - Moby Dick modern technology. Its almost impossible to win - even the co-founder and shareholder, Apple - Steve Wozniak - had to descend to the fencing and bought a white iPhone the resourceful young man, who on his own using parts imported from China upcycle black iPhone were white.
Since he was able to master the technology not available to Apple, the Cupertino company should offer him a seat head of production. Instead, it accused him of a crime. Both of the "Dipper" now waiting for the process of Jobs' hood in the basement, fed with fodder apples :-). breakthrough here was a bit less resonance
premiere of a new generation of iPods
. Innovation lies in the fact that a totally complete mess of the previous model, the Shuffle got back buttons, but at the expense of nano, which has lost the buttons on the touch screen. No wonder that since we had to peek at him still, anything to turn, soon began to make a career as a wrist watch . The battery only parędziesiąt hours, but with the lansu ekstrapremią.
Also extraterritorial the Mac trackpad somehow passed without much fanfare.
Trackpad Magic, also known as Tragic Macpadem, he had to deliver desktop Mac owners delight Multi-honing, previously only available to holders of MacBook. Do you provide is another matter, but without much luck trying to replace the very successful, Apple's mouse sounded magical. In total, uncle turned the ax on the stick. Or wireless.
Well, it's time to go to the absolute ewenementu in this summary. It is about changing Apple's strategy regarding netbooks. Despite assurances by Steve arrogant at the beginning of the year that Apple will never produce the netbooks, because they are weak and cheap, the Cupertino company suddenly wanted for himself a piece of cake.
And that appeared to

Those who were willing to get over the total lack of expandability, the consolation they got up two USB sockets. What's more, Apple insisted that the Air is not a netbook, completely burying the reputation of the product - so far in the category of "netbook" Air could still mean something, it is a small laptop is simply a thin, very showy przeszacowanym zdechlakiem the aluminum casing. I've mitzvah problems with the graphics card
... The year 2010 also marked expired
legal absurdities. Apple has accused the Polish blog, Appleman, is that achieves unspecified benefits, posting information on Apple products .... The company's own followers attacked, beating the source of his power and popularity.

. Finally, one can not write App Store on
. This precious cultural institution, mainstay of entertainment and education at the highest level is in its resource kilkusettysięcznych same carefully chosen, useful, reliable and positively reviewed applications.
heap, control, nose and lick your screen clean
- iPhone is the world's only phone, which engages all senses of the user. would like to say, the breakthrough for the breakthrough. It is scary to think what Apple is preparing us for this New Year ...
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