Holders gardens are divided into three categories: first
It is I do not care / not one of the soil / lawn + celebrates / carrots can be bought
second 50gr I love my garden / Chinese and Italian garlic, fennel is absurd / Self-cultivation me jara
third I love my garden / Chinese and Italian garlic, fennel is absurd / Self-cultivation me
spring / I have no clue how to embrace it
hereby declare that belongs to this latter category :)
Quilting? Seedlings? Hotbed? God, if I do naszukałam before I discovered what was going on. Because of all these books, newspapers, write articles indeed very carefully what and when to dive, but what this function is? Well, for cholera. Probably for most of this is clear as the slicing of bread, but I know quite a lot of people who like me have no clue.
Fortunately, a friend of my simple rule of thumb is all explained. Knowledge of the books (I recommend especially the items Mai Popielarski and Readers' Digest) began to systematize the head. A practice proved to be an excellent teacher. So now carrying the torch of education I am writing pulls that:
- Have fun everyone can. Those with homes, too. Herbs, tomatoes, strawberries or even a salad, not to mention the flowers, one can grow on any windowsill or balcony. I, having at its disposal much more space, this is how I intend to grow some plants.
- Seeds appear in stores in February and then we outperforming the start of winter supply. Although it is now also a good time.
- You could read about the cultivation of the Internet, but actually the necessary information is contained in the packaging.
- SOWING: These are plants which are sown after the Cold Zośce (15 May) directly into the ground, such as radish, but most we can drop the house at the end of February or in March / April. For this we need the yogurt cups, baking sheet or something similar. You can also obtain the 'mini-greenhouses' specially designed for that purpose. I bought her at Lidl (4 pieces for £ 24). They are also in the Leroy Merlin for £ 12:

While the conventional yogurt cups to completely fulfill their role;)
We use ordinary garden soil, for sale in florists and garden shops. To one compartment / cup put my 3-4 seeds, each separately. It's incredible, but everyone (well, almost everyone - some do not work) we will grow a beautiful seedling, a little plant of a few centimeters. So it was not crowded and it can develop roots transplanted it to an independent compartment. This action is just quilting:) We can also skip this step and buy a little money seedlings ready, such as vegetable stock, but I assure that the observation of germination is a great pleasure, especially if the window still Szarów, so we play at least once.
- QUILTING: the fresh earth do we do with your finger or a pin hole, insert seedling, a finger pressed against the ground around, watering. The next step is transplanting into the ground or large pots, which we put, for example, on the balcony. Some plants require a quilt several times before they are planted in the final place, but it is usually marked on the package.
- COLD gardeners, Sophy, that is, per half day of May is the limit, after which there have been more frosts. It is true that in recent years, the weather around the world going crazy, but it's still May 15 is the magic date for all Gardeners - Finally, you can take the hard work: D An example of the last cold days of May shows that it is not worth a rush. I gave it to deceive kwietniowemu sun and planted into the ground a few things - I suspect that, unfortunately, none of them will not.
access to so many words today, I hope that someone need my guide for dummies:) I conclude with the following

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