Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Prevent Socially Awkward Situations

;-) I was at the rally dekupażystek!

Praise be, I was at the rally dekupażystek in Boleslawiec. WAS CUUUUDOOOOWNIIIEEEEE !!!!!!!!! Ah, the rally ended, buuuuu.
przecudownych I met many people who knew only the forum-Wonderland-(and some even from blogs.) We had 18 cars. Here zdjątko Group:
I as Aguszka2 ...

Girls came from all Polish. Literally.
I spent a wonderful 2 days + 1 night ;-) Who
he was not let zazdraszcza! So many crazy decou maniaczek in one place.
Here's what I managed to finish in a house with my PLN pracek:

Icon made under the guidance of champion in this genre: Mayyya
Icon I used to make the gas, and fabric and paint wilu. Mayyya helped me finish the work of taking a brush and some machnięciami did something completely different than I did a lot of science ;-))) Just in front of me ;-)

plate with the inscription. How to make subtitles translating for us Gretta. Here, too, I have more to learn ...

still going rozemocjonowana sending greetings!



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