Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitation Poem For Third Birthday'

Herbaciarka Lowicz

How nice that it increases the number of people following my blog. This pleases me immensely. Blog gave me the opportunity to meet many wonderful people. Previously I did not know that there is much we twisted souls. I really like and appreciate people who have their own interests. We develop a hobby, gives pleasure, satisfaction, and developing not only creatively.
But pompous ... Ahem, Ahem ...

him ... what am I, Oh! I think that as the number of people who watch my blog exceeds 200, it will announce a fun time. Yes simply-sweet porozdaję any, and what!

What is it? Even something I already dawning. But the soon-I hope ;-)))

However, after lengthy introduction, I present herbaciarkę.
Mama beat me slightly off guard when told that these ornaments Lowicki not fit with the rest.
Cholerka, I thought I was a romantic owieję herbaciarkę, and here Lowicz?

Do you think that fits the top down or top to bottom? ;-)



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